I was delighted to see my friend and colleague Russell Findlay win the leadership of the Scottish Conservative & Unionist Party recently.
During the contest, I took a leave of absence from my position as Deputy Chair of the party in order to support Russell's campaign. I chose to take that extraordinary step because I believe so strongly that Russell will make a fantastic leader.
Today, it has been confirmed that I will return to my position as Deputy Chair of the party as well as taking on the new role of Shadow Minister for Investment and Employment which will allow me to work alongside Scotland’s businesses, call for investment into our local areas and much more. I will also move back to the Equalities, Human Rights & Civil Justice Committee.
I've spent a lot of time with Russell personally on the campaign trail over several elections, we've worked together closely over the years and I very much looking forward to taking on these roles under his leadership.
Like myself, Russell is not a career politician. He spent his whole career as an investigative journalist working to earn the trust of victims and fighting for justice on their behalf.
He knows that people in the real world, away from the Holyrood bubble, just want politicians to show some common sense, for a change.
Under Russell’s leadership, our party will reconnect with people across Scotland who don’t feel anybody represents them. We will work hard to unite people who feel left behind by Scotland’s political establishment.
We will earn the trust of everyone who feels disconnected from what happens in the Scottish Parliament.
I believe there is a unique opportunity for our party to do so because the SNP and Labour only offer more of the same old tired brand of politics.
The Holyrood consensus favoured by John Swinney and Anas Sarwar has failed Scotland by prioritising fringe obsessions and pushing a high-tax, big-state, low-ambition agenda.
The Scottish Conservatives will be different. We will put forward a positive vision for the future of our country that champions the values of mainstream Scotland - opportunity, aspiration and decency.
We will present positive new policies to fire up economic growth, create opportunities for workers and businesses, reward aspiration with lower taxes, improve school standards and increase home ownership.
I look forward to a bright future for our party and our country under Russell's leadership.